Key to the rollout of successful digital transformation projects is the technology that enables government departments to work together and collaborate on projects, while maintaining the strict checks and balances we need to ensure proper governance. In short, replicating the way whole-of-government processes work.
One recent project in Australia is the digitisation of public notices by the Victorian Government. This relatively simple task has successfully digitised the complicated workflows of whole-of-government processes, and as a result offers an exciting glimpse into how government services may be transformed into the future.
Introducing District Public Notices
One of the key tasks of government is to share important information with the public. From changes in policy or public infrastructure to new development applications, publishing public notices is a legal and statutory requirement. They are critical for transparency and help keep the government accountable.
These notices are published in newspapers across the country. It can be expensive, but it’s an easy way to disseminate important information to the community.
In the state of Victoria, Australia, that changed in 2022. As part of its push towards digital transformation, the Victorian State Government legislated for public notices to be published online.
The benefits of going digital include better public access, better search functionality, plus substantial government cost savings.
On the outside, it looks like a no-brainer. Powered by District Public Notices, the Victorian Government’s new public notices platform is a simple-to-use interface that allows government departments to easily publish important information for the public. But what’s interesting is what lies beneath.
Whole-of-government workflow
In government departments all over the world, there are strict protocols and layers of red tape to manage the flow of information. In the case of public notices, these legal documents must undergo a rigorous approvals process prior to publishing.
Working in collaboration with Digital Victoria, the state-wide government entity responsible for digital transformation, District designed the Victorian Public Notices platform to replicate this whole-of-government workflow and permission structure. The result was a team-based structure with workflows that mirror the complicated processes of government, with specific tasks and permissions allocated to each role.
Essentials of government transformation projects
When designing digital solutions for whole-of-government processes, District follows the following principles:
- Collaboration: Effective collaboration both within and across government departments is essential for coordination, data sharing and decision-making.
- Replication: Any digital solution needs to incorporate the wide range of workflows and processes across multiple government departments.
- Security protocols: To protect sensitive information, it’s essential to balance the need to collaborate with the requirement for secure permissions and data governance.
- User experience: Prioritising intuitive interfaces and user-centric design to ensure it’s simple for everyone to use.
So how does District Public Notices meet the specific requirements of whole-of-government processes? In short, it enables seamless collaboration between government departments. Let’s take a closer look.
Team-based collaboration
District Notices allows users to be linked in teams. This enables notice authors from different departments to collaborate. These teams are managed by administrators, who can adjust the level of control each team has over the publication of notices.