Powerful federated search engine
Index content, documents, forms, people and more through our federated search engine. Powered by Apache Solr, District delivers a simple and accessible feature rich search experience

Predictive search
Predictive search provides suggestions as you type
Fuzzy matching
Fuzzy matching yielding misspelled results and partial matching
Faceted search
Faceted search and results filtering
Centralised search
Centralised search technology indexing all websites and intranet
Reduces time to find services, information and documents
Auto-scaling platform
District SaaS is a high availability product, with multiple physical locations and horizontal scaling providing complete redundancy

Custom workflows & permissions
Comprehensive permission and workflow engine provides the flexibility to create and manage users with fully customisable roles, groups and workflow permissions

User permissions
Easily create and manage user permissions through roles and groups
Custom workflows
Assign content workflows according to roles and groups
Content scheduler
Schedule content for automatic publishing
Receive notifications on content status updates
Clear content revision history with rollbacks
WCAG compliant
With a fully accessible and WCAG compliant platform we provide further tools to ensure your internal and external content is compliant

Fully accessible
Fully accessible on mobile devices and complies with the latest WCAG standards
Real-time checking
A built-in accessibility checker reviews WCAG standards in real-time
Enforce standards
Enforce accessibility standards through publishing workflow
SSO & Active Directory
Securely manage your users, information and permissions through SSO authentication and District's seamless Active Directory integration

SSO cloud
SSO cloud authentication services through Microsoft Azure and Google Workplace
Active Directory syncing with major providers including Windows AD and Azure
Complete control
Control backend access through existing user directories
Synchronise entire user groups, manage roles and permissions in a central place
Search engine optimised
Maximise your search presence through our SEO optimised platform and tools ensuring your websites and content are search engine friendly

Structured content
Highly structured content types and components adhering to SEO best practices
Inbuilt SEO
Inbuilt SEO audit tools with real-time structure, metadata and content recommendations
Human and machine readable sitemaps based on content and information architecture
Real-time dynamic search engine previews
Simple URLs
Dynamic SEO friendly and human readable URLs