With our fully customisable reporting dashboards, you'll get powerful insights at a glance.
District Engage offers three reporting dashboards to ensure your admin team is up-to-date with activity on the platform:
- Main dashboard: This is your home page in the administration hub. Depending on your role and permissions, you'll be able to access reports ranging from site-wide analytics, to specific project data.
- Project dashboard: This dashboard gives you key data for an individual project, such as unique visitors and page views.
- Participation tool reporting: Drill down to inspect and analyse data from individual tools. Examine results from surveys or polls, and export detailed reports to satisfy your stakeholders.
While each dashboard comes with a standard set of analytic widgets, you can easily customise it by adding, editing or remove widgets to suit your needs. We also have an extensive library of reporting widgets which you can easily drag-and-drop onto your dashboard, allowing you to tailor your reporting your preferences and requirements.