Highlighting key dates and events, the Timeline is a visual representation of recent and upcoming milestones. This is especially useful for long-term, ongoing engagements with multiple stages, such as complex government projects.
The Timeline can help Engagement managers ensure that everyone is well-informed and up-to-date, at every stage of the journey.
Every new project in District Engage automatically includes a single timeline step on the project landing page. Once published, the timeline can be edited to update the current, active stage. As the project evolves, more stages can be seamlessly integrated into the timeline, ensuring that the project’s progress is accurately represented.
The interactive timeline not only displays all published stages, with a focus on the active stage, but also allows users to view details added to each step, such as content, dates, and phase information.
District Engage's Timeline feature not only organises and displays the progress of a project, but also enhances the community's understanding and interaction with the project, making it a core tool in any engagement strategy.